Post Malone Official Tour After Party – MUSIC BY DJ SMITTY


Out of stock



(English Below)

購買門票即可入場,並贈送 KOR Taipei 禮品卡,可兌換 $3000 元酒水、餐點,
使用期限為 2023.09.20 至 2024.9.19,僅限 200 位名額限量購買,數量有限售完為止。

【入場票價】$3000 元 / 位

請出示購買成功「商店訂單編號」於 2023.09.20 至 KOR Taipei 1F 櫃台供工作人員核對,如未提供恕無法兌換入場。
此禮品卡僅限 KOR Taipei 使用,兌換日期為 2023.09.20 至 2024.9.19 止。
此禮品卡若有蓄意偽造、詐欺或有其他不正當交易,KOR Taipei 將保留法律追訴權。
KOR Taipei 有解釋或修改活動之權利。
入場方式與注意事項請遵循 KOR Taipei 之規定。

* 本活動為 Post Malone 演唱會 2023 台北站官方慶功派對,Post Malone 若出席唯一指定 KOR Taipei !
* 未滿 18 歲者恕不開放入場,並請出示含照片之證件排隊進場。
* 勿穿涼鞋、拖鞋、或任何露腳趾形式鞋款。
* 活動將於晚間 9 點正式開始,請務必盡早抵達以避免人潮眾多,若場內人數眾多將視情況進行容留人數管制,還請見諒。
* KOR Taipei 保留婉拒入場之權利,恕不告知理由。
* 入場規範如有更改請以現場為主,恕不另行告知。
* KOR Taipei 為私人企業,我們對於不同族群與文化兼容並蓄;任何年齡、性別、性向、信仰、種族、政治立場,乃至於孕婦以及殘障人士等,KOR Taipei 皆一視同仁,絕不歧視。

Admission : $3000 (includes a KOR gift card redeemable for $3000 of food and beverages at KOR Taipei).
Valid for 1 year from 9/20/2023 to 9/19/2024.
Limited to 200 tickets, so buy yours now!

【Usage Instructions】

1. Must provide online purchase transaction number at our door on September 20, 2023 for entry & gift card.
2. Gift card valid at KOR Taipei only, from September 20, 2023, to September 19, 2024.
3. This gift card is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
4. Damaged or defaced gift cards will not be accepted.
5. Lost gift cards will not be replaced.
6. Forgery, fraud, or improper transactions involving this gift card will result in legal action.
7. KOR Taipei reserves the right to modify the terms of the promotion.

Please adhere to KOR Taipei’s entry and door policies below :
* No entry for individuals under 18 years old, picture ID required.
* No slippers / sandals / open-toed flats.
* Arrive early to avoid queues. Doors open at 9pm. Capacity control will be enforced if the venue becomes too crowded.
* KOR is a private company and reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone at our sole discretion.
* Door policies are subject to change without notice.
* KOR does not discriminate based on age, gender, sexual orientation, faith, race, political group, disability, or pregnancy.